Trick Or Treat!
Trick Or Treat!
The 2016 Trick or Treat Give Away has concluded! A winner has been chosen. Thank you to all who trick or treated, and keep their Jack o lanterns lit to keep the spirit of Halloween alive.
Keep your Jack o’ lanterns lit in solidarity, and to all a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
How To Enter:
Step 1: Visit one of the contributing HAB artist from the list below. If the artist your Trick or Treating is an Etsy store contact them using the “contact the owner” tab on the left sidebar of their shop. If they are on the HAB catalog use our contact form. Leave them a message that states “TRICK OR TREAT!”.
Step 2: Visit our Facebook page and “Like” us and comment “TRICK OR TREAT!” on our wall.
Step 3: Fill out the official Trick or Treat Give Away entry form below.
Official Rules
Entry deadline is Midnight on October 20th 2016 Central Standard Time. The Winner will be chosen at random. One entry per person. Winner will be notified via email. The prize will ship on October 21st 2016. The winners name will be posted on the Halloween Artist Bazaar website and Facebook page. Information obtained will only be used to contact winner in regards to contest. HAB does not release or sell information from our entry forms or contact page. All ages welcome to enter. Members of Halloween Artist Bazaar are not qualified for entry. Contest open internationally, however please note that prize may not arrive before October 31st due to international shipping delays. *Your countries custom charges may apply. * Prize value an estimated $200.00 (and growing as more is added)
Contributing Halloween Artist Bazaar Artists links where to find their wares in order of photo appearance:(check back as the list grows and photo’s of the winnings are posted!)
Twilight Faerie
Jan’s Beads
Sauvage Raven Creations
Forest Whimsy
Odd Origins
Jynxx Designs Eclectic Arm Candy
Harvest Moon Studio
Bucket from Twilight Faerie
Matchbox from Twilight Faerie
Black Cat Earrings from Jan’s Beads
Mirror from Sauvage Raven Creation
Black Rabbit Pendant from Gothbunny
Spooky Scary Magnets from PunkinPrims
Needle felted witch from Forest Whimsy
Spider necklace from Odd Origins
Sculpted Bat Clip from SkullBaby
Hand-painted bowl from Harvest Moon Studio